09 September 2008

Make notepad in VB6 (tut)

This Notpad will have: clear all and Exit

1. Open your VB6 and start standard exe

2. Make 1 textbox and 2 buttons (textbox is where you write and 2 buttons clear and exit)

3. Captions for 1 button is Clear All and for the 2nd one is Exit

4. Double click on Clear All button and inside write: 

text1.text = " "

5. Double click on Exit Program button and inside write:

Unload Me

NOTE: If you want when you press enter that it goes to next line do this: Click on the textbox and see properties on the right. Find multiline and change it to "true".


  1. hi it was fine...but i want complete notepad...like all options in the menu bar

  2. can u provide me that

  3. i aint that skilled....im just a starter...try searching stf like this:

    "make notepad in VB& with options"
    "make notepad in VB& with font options"

    n other

  4. i have maked it dont use (unload me) use (end) then it ends the project instead of the form just ending and are open some just write (me.hide) but if you should make that notpad press menu editor then name the one to file then press next and press --> then write open then you can the code self but if you know i am a vb6 teacher i use "logmein" to teach peoples so if you need me to teac you comment on this site also send your logmein.com user

