06 December 2008

Runescape Bot

-random quest finisher
-scripts (180)
-quest finisher
-virus scan

Rs Bot 1.1
Rs Bot 1.2
Rs Bot 1.3
Rs Bot 1.4

From now on rsbot site here

NOTE: Always use the lastest Bot cause of updates!
Contact me if u have 64 bit Windows.
Rs BOt 1.4 doesnt have scripts...so just copy them from 1.3


  1. When runescape gets update, then comes new version.

  2. my 1.3 is outdate... last runescape update 3 days ago and now my 1.3bot dont work :/

  3. when i used it and ran it for non member i selected autowoodcut on scripts and i was also logged in in another web tab but when it started nothing happend????my character was doing nothing and i filled out the acc manager and everything

  4. you must mog in in rsbot and not web tab. Log in and start it

  5. this whole site is full of virus and im going to say it to AVG security center to block this syte all donwloads have keylogers to steel your account if the application do not work it means that he stole your account. Do not come hear
    hear is better site. www.expl0itz.net

  6. does the 1.4 download work ?

  7. Go to their site and download it. 1.4 doesnt work any more.

    and if you want tell it to AVG, but every real hacking tool has a virus. You cant steal passwords without a virus. (99% tools are detected, and 1% is which is FUD, but they get detected in few days)

